Page 19 - Regeneration
P. 19
God’s will is not referring to God
predestinating a person to either Heaven or
Hell but rather predestinating before the
foundation of the world to adopt by
spiritually indwelling those who willingly
repent of their sins toward God and trust
God’s Son as their Savior and thereby also
empowering these spiritually-adopted joint-
heirs with Christ to “eschew evil, and do
good” (1 Pet. 3:11). Peter told the
repentant believers on the Day of Pentecost
that they would receive the promised gift
of the Holy Spirit (See Acts 1:4 and Acts
2:38-39), which would entitle them to all
the rights, privileges, and promises of God’s
family (Rom. 8:14-15; Gal. 3:26, 4:6-7).