Page 18 - Regeneration
P. 18

believers with His Holy Spirit until the day of

             redemption (2 Cor. 1:22, Eph. 1:13-14, Eph.

             4:30)  and  work  through  His  spiritually-

             adopted  children  to  produce  a  holy,

             separated,  and  Christ-like  life  that  would

             glorify Him and accomplish His will on earth

             (Phil. 1:6, Phil. 2:13, Rom. 8:29).

             Ephesians  1:4  &  5  says,  “According  as  he

             hath  chosen  us  in  him  before  the

             foundation of the world, that we should be

             holy  and  without  blame  before  him  in

             love:   Having  predestinated  us  unto  the

             adoption  of  children  by  Jesus  Christ  to

             himself, according to the good pleasure of

             his  will.”  The  choosing  and  the

             predestination and the “good pleasure” of

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