Page 17 - Regeneration
P. 17

power,  after  that  the  Holy  Ghost  is  come

             upon  you:  and  ye shall  be witnesses unto

             me. . .”

                      THE PROMISE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

             Because  God  is  omniscient,  a  person’s

             choice  to  either  trust  or  reject  God’s

             provision  for forgiveness of sins has been

             known  by  God  even  before  the  first  man

             was  ever  created  (John  6:64),  and  it  was

             God’s predetermined plan to indwell by His

             Holy Spirit those who repentantly respond to

             the  convicting  work  of  God’s  Spirit  and

             trusted  in  the  shed  blood  of  His  Son  for

             forgiveness of sins (See Acts 1:4-5).

             It was also God’s plan before the foundation

             of  the  world  that  He  would  seal  those

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