Page 6 - Regeneration
P. 6

ignored  in  much  of  today’s  evangelistic

             endeavors and is being replaced by carnal

             methods of emotional inducement and/or

             fleshly  manipulations  in  an  attempt  to

             persuade the lost sinner to either respond

             to  an  altar  call  or  respond  to  a  high-

             pressure presentation of the Gospel.  But

             Jesus said in John 6:44, “No man can come

             to me, except the Father which hath sent

             me draw him: and I will raise him up at the

             last  day.”  It’s  impossible  for  a  person  to

             savingly  trust  Christ  as  Savior  unless  the

             Holy  Spirit  (not  emotional  pleas  and/or

             carnal manipulations) first brings conviction

             of  sin  to  a  person’s  heart  and  draws  a

             person  to  Christ  (not  to  an  altar)  for

             forgiveness of those sins.

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