Page 9 - Regeneration
P. 9

today who have simply agreed with a few

             Bible verses  (which  usually  exclude  verses

             on  repentance)  and  who  have  repeated

             the “sinner’s prayer” give no evidence of

             having  received  new  life  in  Christ.    And,

             sadly, the “soul winner” will often attempt

             to assure a supposed “new convert” that he

             or  she  has  become  a  Christian  without

             seeing  any  evidence  that  spiritual

             regeneration has taken place.

             Assurance  of  salvation  is  exclusively  the

             ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Word of

             God.  Romans 8:16 tells believers that “The

             Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit,

             that we are the children of God,” and 1 John

             5:13 teaches us that the written Word also

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