Page 18 - Lordship Salvation
P. 18

would  title  this  message  this  morning

             “Lordship Salvation,” and I  think this is an

             important subject.

             The Controversy of Lordship Salvation

                    This whole debate centers around what I

             preached  on  six  weeks  ago,  “Repentance

             and Faith.” This whole debate began back in

             the late ‘50s, early ‘60s and went on for a

             while and then died out, and then it kind of

             resurfaced in the late ‘80s into the ‘90s and

             even  to  this  day.  And,  again,  the  debate

             among  Christians  is  in  reference  to  the

             nature  of  salvation,  and  the  real  issue  is

             whether  repentance  is  necessary  for

             conversion, and also the debate is over the

             biblical definition of repentance and faith.

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