Page 19 - Lordship Salvation
P. 19

So let's read Romans 10:9 again. All of you

             can  quote  this.  I  use  it  all  the  time  in

             witnessing.    It says, “That if thou shalt confess

             with  thy  mouth  the  Lord  Jesus,  and  shalt

             believe in thine heart that God hath raised

             him  from  the  dead,  thou  shalt  be  saved.”

             Notice, confessing with thy mouth the Lord


                    Turn with me to the book of Acts.  I don't

             want to re-preach a message on repentance,

             but  I  do  want  to  make  mention  of  this

             because this is the real issue of this debate.

             Now, there are two sides of this debate, and

             one side is the side of Lordship salvation.  I

             don't  agree  with  everybody  in  that  camp

             and neither do I agree with everybody in the

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