Page 22 - Lordship Salvation
P. 22

the title on themselves, but it's been given

             to them.

                    Now, what about the other side?  Those

             in the other camp accuse those who teach

             Lordship salvation of adding works to the

             gospel and to salvation. Now, the other side

             is “easy believism.”  I hardly ever use that

             term.  I  have  used  it  a  few  times  in  my

             preaching.  But “easy believism” is a name

             given to those who teach free grace and to

             those who say you don't have to repent to

             be saved and you don't have to surrender

             or  submit  to  the  Lordship  of  Christ;  all

             you've  got  to  do  is  just  believe  —  no

             repentance, none of these things; all you've

             got to do is just believe.  And that's why I

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