Page 41 - Lordship Salvation
P. 41

19:16,  Jesus  is  called,  as  I  said  a  moment

             ago, the  “KING  OF KINGS, AND LORD OF


                    The  real  issue  is  submitting  to  the

             authority  of  the  Lordship  of  Jesus  Christ.

             That  was  the  problem  in  the  first  century

             among the nation of Israel — submitting to

             the  Lordship  of  Christ.  I  preached  a

             message  not  too  many  years  ago  titled

             “Authority.”  Do you know what?  The real

             problem in our country today is submitting

             to  authority.    In  the  home  children  don't

             want  to  submit  to  the  authority  that  God

             has placed over them, and we can never be

             right with God and be blessed by God when

             we rebel against the authority that God has

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