Page 35 - God's Kind of Love
P. 35
professing Christians choose to sin against
God rather than “offend” or alienate their
ungodly friends and relatives, thereby
expressing more love for their friends and
relatives than for Christ, who loved us and
“gave himself for us, that he might redeem
us from all iniquity…” (Titus 2:14). First
Corinthians 16:22 somberly warns, "If any
man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him
be Anathema Maranatha."
God imparts salvation and His Holy Spirit
indwells only those who repent of their sins
and trust Christ for suffering and shedding
His blood on Calvary’s cross to pay the
penalty for those sins (Hell), and Titus 2:11-
12 sets forth the kind of lifestyle that will