Page 6 - Rosendin Corporate Newsletter Q4, 2018
P. 6

Sacramento, CA (est. 2008 )

                                                                                                                                                                      Division Manager: Tammi Rapozo
                                                                                                                                                                      Featured Projects: Sutter MOB; Kaiser Vallejo Hospital; Sacramento Airport,
                                                                                                                                                                       Landside Terminal B; Digital Reality Trust, Data Center; Queen of the Valley
                                                                                                                                                                       Hospital North Tower; SMUD Headquarters; Golden 1 Center
                                                                                                                                                                       Primary Services: High Rise, Mixed Use, Healthcare, Datacenter, Transportation,
                                                                                                                                                                       Service Work

                                                                                                                                            Golden 1 Center             In 2008 the Sacramento Office opened with five employees in West Sacramento.
                                                                                                                                                                        The staff continued to grow and, in 2010, the office moved to the current
                                                                                                                                                     location in the Natomas area that included a larger warehouse space to accommodate Pre-Fab. In
                                                                                                                                 2018, a service division was introduced along with new service vans. The Sacramento is active in the community by proudly
                                                                                                                                 supporting the Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services.

                                                                                                                                                                     San Francisco, CA (est. 1971)

                                  ROSENDIN                                                                                                                           Division Manager: Jim Millett

                                                                                                                                                                     Featured Projects: Transbay Transit Center;
                                                                                                                                                                     Interstate 580; California Academy of
                                                                                                                                                                     Science, high profile stadium
                                                                                                                                                                     The San Francisco office opened it's doors
                                                                                                                                                                     in 1971 and in 2018 has 55 employees in
                                                                                                                                                                     project management, purchasing, security,
                                                                                                                                                                     business development, and estimating. The        T ransbay T ransit Center
                                                                                                                                                                     team is deeply involved in college recruiting
                                                                                                                                                                     efforts with several of the Division's Project Managers and Asst. Project
                M    oses Rosendin, an immigrant from Mexico and   In the early 1950s, at the ages of 21 and 24, Ray and                                             Managers who began their careers through Rosendin's internship program.

                                                                 Lou Rosendin took over the family business with
                     a war veteran, saw a need in the agricultural
                                                                                                                                                                     San Jose, CA (est. 1919) - Corporate Headquarters
                     industry and in 1919 he started Rosendin
                                                                 to grow and did electrical work for many large
                Motor Works in a small metal building behind his   fewer than 100 employees. The company continued
                house in San Jose, CA. In the beginning, Rosendin   corporations, some that Rosendin still work with                                                  Division Managers: Brian Greene (Highway Group - San Jose); Alan Frese (Bay Area
                consisted of a small team and moved operations to   today.                                                                                             Special Projects); Todd Mazza (Bay Area outside San Francisco); Randy Sessler
                78 Race Street where the company's primary job                                                                                                         (Network Services - Bay Area); Andy Miller (Bay Area Special Projects); Dustin
                was wiring and repairing broken water pumps for   In 1992, the Rosendin family made the decision                                                       Cognetti (Aviation)
                farmers in the area.                             to sell the company to the employees. This                                                             Featured Projects: San Jose City Hall, San Jose International Airport, Vantage,
                                                                 was a gradual change and the time line was to                                                          Highways (Toll Lane and Security)
                As Rosendin rapidly grew in the 1920's, Moses    have ownership completed by 2015. Rosendin's                                                           San Jose, CA is home to two Rosendin offices: Corporate Headquarters on
                Rosendin knew the importance of relationships and   employees were so motivated and inspired at the                                                   Mabury Road, and Finance and Engineering on Orchard Parkway. Rosendin's
                                                                                                                                                              executive team and many of the company's department heads call San Jose home. The
                being true to your word. In 1929, the stock market   thought of ownership of the company that the                      San Jose International Airport
                crashed and Rosendin was able to withstand the   transaction was completed by 2000 and Rosendin                               Corporate Headquarters site includes an on-site fleet shop, and separate warehouse and prefab building
                worst economic era of our history.               Electric became 100% employee-owned.                            where Rosendin's longest standing employees have spent 40+ years.

                During the beginning of World War II, Rosendin   Today, Rosendin has nearly 6,000 employees, has
          , VA acquired contracts with Pacific Bridge, a ship    been entirely employee-owned since 2000, and has                Anaheim, CA (est. 1983)
                building company and Moses Rosendin did a lot of
          Division Managers:                                     offices throughout the U.S. Revenues also grew, from
                government work at cost because he felt it was his
          Population:                                            about $80 million a year in 1992 to nearly $2 billion           Division Managers: Kevin Homan, Rick Gonzales, Nate Williams, Joe
                                                                                                                                 Pagan, Brian Smith, Jeff Seymour, John Messick, Kirk Condurachi
                                                                 annually today.
                duty as a citizen to help the country. There was a lot
          Departments:                                                                                                           Featured Projects: Wilshire Grand; Anaheim Convention Center;
                of construction after WWII with subdivisions and
          Division:                                              Read on to see our journey.                                     multiple solar and wind farms
                schools. After three decades of growth, adversity,
                war efforts, and an economy that was booming
          Primary Service:                                                                                                       In 1983, the Los Angeles office opened with five employees. In 2018, the office moved to
                like never before, the company went through a
          Major Clients:                                                                                                         Anaheim and supports 10 of Rosendin's Divisions and various departments including the
                                                                                                                                 Renewable Energy Group, Special Projects, Estimating, Purchasing, Data, Transportation,
          Unique Programs:                                                                                                       Business Development and Project Management. The newly designed Anaheim office is full
          Charities:                                                                                                             of "green" features including a Living Wall, solar rooftop, EV Chargers, and one of the largest
                                                                                                                                 Pre-Fab areas within the company. Each year, the Renewables Energy Group holds an Annual
        6    The Feeder | Issue 4, 2018                                                                                          Rosendin Golf Tournament with all proceeds benefiting the Navy SEAL Foundation.      Issue 4, 2018 | The Feeder    7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Wilshire Grand
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