Page 234 - Mario Bigon "The Morrow Guide to Knots"
P. 234


       Begin by forming a figure-
       eight knot (see pp. 31-35) in
       the bight of the rope: then
       separate the ends and lay
       them parallel to determine the
       width of the rungs. With the
       left end make a double bight
       around the right end (1 ).
       Using the right end, make a
       series of turns around the
       bight, tightening each one
       immediately (3,4,5). Finish
       the rung by passing the end
       through the loop at the end of
       the bight (6, 7). Note that this
       rung is simply a running knot
       secured on both sides, so,
       before passing on to the next
       rung, make sure that the turns
       are well tightened (8). This
       will balance the rung and
       avoid subsequent sagging.
       Once the rung is tight, you
       can continue using the same
       procedure. working from the
       right alternately, to make the
       required number of rungs (9).
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