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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                               12 VOL-1                            םייח ץפח רפס
                              Hilchot Esurei Lashon Hara                                                            ערה ןושל ירוסיא תוכלה
                                 Kelal  Beit  ‑  Halachah 1                                                              ב הכלה -  ב ללכ

             have thought that because the judges were G‑d fearing Torah scholars who                   וניאש רבדב קלחל לכונ הזו ,יאנג ןיאשל יאנג ןיב
             would not repeat the agent’s comments, the rule of “word will get out” is
             therefore not applicable and it would be forbidden.  (Do not say this!)                    אלש ןפואב ויפמ ותוא איצוה םאד אמתסב ןוגה
             Because from the flow of the gemara and from the commentary of the                         םאו  ,רתומ  וינפב  וליפא  הז  רמול  שייבתמ  היה
             Authorities, it seems that Rava was coming to teach a leniency regarding
             this court appointed agent (but that same report made by someone who                       הז ןפואבו ,ותונגל אוהש חכומד ויתועונתב ורמוא
             was not working in the agency of the court would be prohibited).                           רומג יאנגב לבא .רוסא וינפב רמול שייבתמ היה
                                                                                                                   .הזב קלחל ךייש אל יאדוב
             And  do  not  say  that  the  gemara’s  intention  was  to  bring  proof  that  an
             agent of the court has an advantage over an ordinary person in that he                     ןיכרעדו  ארתב  אבבד  ארמגה  ןושל  עיצא  התעו
             could repeat his experiences even to only a single judge, for that is not
             so!  Because if that was so, then what is the proof from Moshe Rabbeinu                    הבר  רמא  ,ארמגה  ל"זו  ,םשוריפ  יפל  השרפאו
             of blessed memory, since he (the agent) summoned Datan and Aviram                          םושמ הב תיל הרמ יפאב ארמאתימד אתלימ לכ
             to appear in court, as the gemara there said earlier, namely “What is the                  אכיאד  ןכש  לכ  ייבא  היל  רמא  ,אשיב  אנשיל
             source for allowing a court to summon someone.”  (And the answer given
             is that we learn it from the agent of Moshe Rabbeinu) and we can presume                   'רד אה יכ אנא היל רמא ,אשיב אנשילו אפצוח
             that as a standard procedure Moshe Rabbeinu was not a solitary judge                       רבד יתרמא אל ימימ יסוי 'ר רמאד יל אריבס יסוי
             and there were other judges with him judging cases, as we see from the
             language used by Chazal in several places (Vayikrah Rabbah 32:3) “this                     ארמגה שוריפ היהי םהירבד יפלו .ירוחאל יתרזחו
             person emerged from the court of Moshe Rabbeinu and at the very least                      אתלימ לכ ולש ארמימה הבר רמאשכ הלחתמד ,ךכ
             there were three judges there.”  Being that this is the scenario, I would                  ותנוכש ייבא רבוס היה 'וכו הרמ יפאב ארמאתימד
             say that only because of this (that the agent was reporting back to a three-
             judge panel) was the agent permitted to repeat in front of them the things                 'וכו ןכש לכ וילע השקה ךכלו הרומג ערה ןושלל
             he had seen firsthand, namely that Datan and Aviram cursed him.  But this                  'רדכ קר הרומג ערה ןושלל ותנוכ ןיאד ול ץריתו
             man who is an agent of the court has no more (other) special privileges                    אל םלועמ ,אוה יכה יסוי 'ר ירבד שוריפו ,יסוי
             than an ordinary person.  Therefore, necessarily, one can conclude that the
             gemara holds that this kind of reporting statement is Lashon Hara even if                  ,יריבח ינינע חכמ יתרבדש ןטק רבד וליפא יתרמא
             the speaker knows that what he is saying is the truth and that he is making                רוזחל  ךירצ  היהאש  ןפואב  םלועמ  יתרמא  אל
             these remarks in the presence of three people, unless he is acting in the
             court's agency (and his remarks are thus exempt from Lashon Hara).                         ןיכרעב א"שרהמב י"הזעב יתאצמ ךכ רחא( ירוחאל
                                                                                                        .)ןכ ושריפש םינורחאו םינושאר םירפס המכ דועו

              4  Meaning - to report back to the Beit Din could be worse than relating what
                 happened	to	three	ordinary	people.		Do	not	say	this!

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