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Sefer Chafetz Chayim               םייח ץפח רפס                                                                                                                               12 VOL-1
 Hilchot Esurei Lashon Hara     ערה ןושל ירוסיא תוכלה
 Kelal  Beit  ‑  Halachah 2          א הכלה -  ב ללכ

 the intonation of the speaker at the time he was making his remarks.  With    םושמ אוה ארמגה תנווכד רמול אוה לודג קחודו
 only a little change in his expression the speaker can change the entire
 storyline to be either degrading or not degrading.  Included in this category    ןיד תיבל רפסמש אניד יבד אחולשד אנימא יוהד
 are statements that are Avak Lashon Hara, meaning, that when expressed    םעטה  ךייש  אל  והייבגל  םיבושח  םישנא  םהש
 simply  they  can  be  understood  as  being  inappropriate  (but  not  totally
 derogatory).    Such  statements  are  permissible  if  the  speaker  expresses    רומח אוהד אנימא יוה ןכ לעו .'וכו ארבח ךרבחד
 them in a way in which he would not be ashamed to say them directly in    תורוהל אב אברד םיקסופהו ארמגמ עמשמד ,יפט
 front of the victim.  But if the speaker’s expression is such that it is obvious    ,אניד יבד אחולשב אלוק
 his remarks are meant to be understood derisively and that he would not
 say them directly to the victim, then the remarks would be forbidden.  But    אחולשד היאר איבהל ארמגה תנווכד רמול ןיאו
 when talking about an issue which is totally denigrating, it would not be
 possible to make a distinction between the way it was expressed (and to    וליפא  רפסל  רתומ  אוהד  הזב  ףידע  אניד  יבד
 permit it or forbid it based on that expression) since there would be no way    יתיימ היאר המ ןכ םאד ,וניא הזד ,דחא ןייד ינפל
 to express it in a manner which would be permitted.
                    םש רמאש ומכ ןידל ונימזה אלהו ה"ע וניבר השממ
 Now I will lay out in front of you the words of the Gemara Babba Batra and    אמתסמו 'וכו ןידל ןנינמזמד ןלנמו ארמגב םדוקמ
 Gemara Arachin and interpret them based on the Tosafot’s commentary.      ל"ז םרמאמכו ידיחי ןד ה"ע וניבר השמ היה אל
 This is the language of the gemara (Arachin 15b):  “Rabbah  said, any
 remarks made directly to the person who is the subject of those remarks    ויה תוחפלו השמ לש ןיד תיבמ אצי תומוקמ המכב
 are exempt from the esur of Lashon Hara.  Abaye responded to him (in    רפסל חילשל רתוה ןכ םושמד אמיאו אתלת יפאב
 opposition):  “And  most  certainly  these  remarks  are  arrogant  and  are
 Lashon Hara!”  Rabbah answered him: “I hold like Rebbe Yossi who said:    תמא אוהש ומצעב עדוי אוהש המ םהינפל הז רבד
 “I never had to retract anything that I said.”  According to the Tosafot, this    הלעמ םוש אהי אל לבא םריבאו ןתד והופריחש
 is the meaning of the gemara’s words:  Initially, when Rabbah said his
 statement (“anything said directly to that person”) Abaye held the opinion    יאדו  אלא  ,אמלעד  שניאמ  אניד  יבד  אחולשל
 that  Rabbah  was  discussing  actual  Lashon  Hara  and  so  he  responded    ינווג לכב יוה אשיב אנשילד ארמגהל היל אריבסד
 “And most certainly these remarks are arrogant and are Lashon Hara!”      הז רבד רפסמ אוהו תמא אוהש ומצעב עדויד ףא
 So  Rabbah  responded  to Abaye  that  he  was  not  referring  to  speaking
 actual Lashon Hara but that he only meant it in the same sense as Rebbe   .אניד יבד אחולש ואל יא םישנא 'גל
 Yossi, and this is what Rebbe Yossi meant:  “Never once did I say even
 the smallest thing regarding any matter that related to my colleagues, in
 no instance did I ever say even the smallest thing in a manner that I would
 later have to retract it.”  (Afterwards, with G‑d’s help, I found this same
 idea expressed in the Maharsha’s commentary on Gemara Arachin and
 in the writings of several of our Early Authorities and Later Authorities).
 Based on what we have said, we can now appreciate the praise that the

   	 Rabbah,	per	the	text	version	of	the	Shetah	Mekubetzet.

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