Page 19 - June 2024 News On 7 (new style)
P. 19

MADOC LIONS CLUB                             MARMORA LIONS CLUB                    TWEED LIONS CLUB
    Helping those in need of eye glasses around  Marmora     Crowe     Valley   Lions  We  will  be  hosting  our  next
    the  world.    Madoc  Lions  are  one  of  many  donation  this  week  at  Marmora  community dinner on June 8th from
    Lions  Clubs  who  gather  used  eye  glasses  Helping  Hands  FoodBank.  We  thank  4:30  pm  -  6:30  pm.      We  will  be
    every  year  in  support  of  CLERC.    CLERC:  all  the  volunteers  at  the  FoodBank  serving  smoked  pork  tenderloin,
    Canada  Lions  Eye  Glass  Recycling  Centre.  that  take  care  of  our  community!  All  potato salad, marinated veggie salad,
    An  official  Lions  Clubs  International    your  dedication,  time  and  hard  work  and  dessert.    RSVP  by  June  1st  -
    Eyeglass   Recycling   Centre    provides    is  very  much  appreciated!         If  you  Hope to see you there!
    recycled  eyewear  free  of  charge  to  people  would  like  to  help…they  are  open
    in developing countries. Lion Marj Young is  Tuesdays  from  1:00  to  2:30  or  at
    chairperson  for  Vision  for  the  Lions  Club.  Cook’s  Barber  Shop  during  business
    This year Madoc Lions  collected over 900    hours.    They  need  the  following:
    pairs  of  glasses  with  your  help.  You  may  Cereal,  pasta  and  sauce,  tuna,  soup,
    drop  off  used  glasses  to  Madoc  Eye  Care,  rice  (pouches),  juice,  canned  veggies
    Thrift  Store,  Pharmacy,  Foodland,  Medical  and fruit.
                                                                            Marmora  &  Lake  Fire  Department  would  like  to
                                                                            say  a  huge  thank  you  to  the  Royal  Canadian
                                                                            Legion 237 branch in Marmora for a donation of

                                                                            YOUTH REMEMBER D-DAY AND THE BATTLE
                                                                            OF NORMANDY
                                                                            D-Day  and  the  Battle  of  Normandy  was  a  pivotal
                                                                            campaign in the Second World War. The Canadians
                                                                            who came ashore at Juno Beach on June 6, 1944 and
                                                                            fought  in  France  through  that  long  hot  summer
                                                                            played  an  important  role  in  the  Allied  efforts  to
                                                                            liberate  Western  Europe.  Using  the  lesson  plans
                                                                            below,  we  encourage  educators  to  help  young
                                                                            people become involved in understanding this proud
                                                                            chapter  in  our  history  and  the  role  Canada  has
                                                                            played in defending peace and freedom around the
                                                                            world    over    the    years.   Read    more:

    On  Sat.  May  25,  Peter  McConnell  dropped  off  the  food  bank  donations  collected  at  the
    Pavilion  Fundraiser  Dance  for  the  The  Salvation  Army  Tweed  Ministries  Food  Bank,  and
    presented a donation to the Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward at their Walk for
    Next on our agenda is the 'Trivia Night' on Friday June 7, 7 p.m. Tease Your Brain & Win Cash
    Prizes: 1st: $160 / 2nd: $120 / 3rd: $80 / Door Prize.  Teams: Max. 8 Members - Businesses/
    Clubs/Families Welcome…Come as an individual, we will ensure you are on a team!
    New this year: Food Drive! Accepting donations of non-perishable foods e.g., pasta sauce,
    canned  veg  /  fruit,  school  snacks,  crackers  /  cookies,  tuna,  coffee  /  tea,  unopened
    packages of hygiene products, e.g. shampoo, toilet paper, feminine products
    Tix available: Tweed News, Dellar's IDA, Quinn's of Tweed, Kiwanis Members
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