Page 140 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 140

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

                    Ensure that there are no overhead cables in the
                   vicinity of the tipping area.
                    Manoeuvre the vehicle to the required position
                   on  site,  or  tipping  face  on  a  landfill/recycling
                   site,  keep  at  least  3  metres  from  the  tipping
                   face.  Be  aware  of  pedestrians  and  other
                   vehicles around you, make sure you are ready
                   to  STOP  if  anyone  enters  your  tipping  safe
                    Handbrake is applied, gear lever is in neutral, and the tipping lever is on hold.

                    Remove the auto-sheet

                    Carefully unlock the tailgate. Always stand at the side of the vehicle.

                    Enter  the  cab  and  close  the  door,  put  on  your  seatbelt,  and  engage  the  tipping

                    Ensure that there is a sufficient working area to the
                    front  and  rear of  vehicle  before  tipping and  that  all
                    pedestrians and vehicles are clear at least 15 Metres.
                    If not STOP.

                    As the body lifts, ensure the load remains stable, if the
                   vehicle  becomes  unstable  in  any  way  STOP  and  slowly  lower  the  body  down.
                   Investigate the cause of the problem and re-position if required before recommencing
                   the tip..

                    Do not stand or allow anyone to stand alongside the vehicle whilst tipping.

                    Raise body smoothly by varying engine speed.  Do not exceed 1200rpm.
                    When the body reaches the required tipping position, move the tipping lever to the
                   hold position.

                    To clear the load, release the handbrake and drive forward very slowly.

                    Under no circumstances can you stand or work under a raised tipper body. Work can
                   only be carried out when the body is propped up with an approved body prop.

                    If moving sticky material check the body is fully empty before lowering the body. If the
                   body requires digging out, position the lorry in an agreed dig out area that is safe from
                   other vehicles including loading shovels.

                   Lowering a tipping body

                    Before lowering the tipping body check that there is nobody near the vehicle.

                    Slowly move the tipper lever from the hold position to the lower position. This action
                   will disengage the PTO and the warning light will go out.

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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