Page 137 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 137
A V O N M A T E R I A L S U P P L I E S L T D ( A M S L T D ) D R I V E R T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 2
Transfer station procedures
When entering any Transfer Station or Landfill site, you MUST always follow the
instructions on the signboards and given by site personnel. Transfer Stations and
Landfill sites can be extremely dangerous places if you do not follow the instructions
given to you by the trained staff on site. Dangerous behaviour or failure to follow
instructions given to you by site personnel will not be tolerated. When visiting any
Transfer Station or Landfill site, you must follow these guidelines:
a. You must not reverse into the building or tipping area until instructed to do so by a
member of site staff.
b. Use all the Personal Protective Equipment provided to you as a minimum you will be
require to wear a Hard Hat, High Vis vest, Safety Glasses and Safety Boots.
c. You must always ensure that the machine operators are aware of your presence.
d. Observe all site speed limits and take great care with regard to pedestrians.
e. You must tip where you are directed to do so.
f. Do not allow anyone else to operate the controls for your loader; you are solely
responsible for the safe operation of your loader.
g. Always ensure that nobody walks behind your vehicle whilst you are tipping.
h. Never stand directly behind your vehicle with your skip container in a tipped position.
They have been known to come dislodged from their tipping hooks and swing out.
Always ensure that nobody else walks directly behind your vehicle when in the tipping
i. You must not drive forward any further than 3 meters with the skip raised in the air
after tipping.
j. Once your load has been tipped, you must not sort through the load or remove any
item from the waste, unless instructed to do so by the Operations Manager.
k. After the load has been discharged, you must reload the skip container back onto the
bed of the lorry and move away from the tipping area.
l. You must ensure that the rear of the skip loader is clear from debris before travelling
onto the public highway
m. You must not leave site without first obtaining a ticket from the weighbridge office for
the load you are tipping. There are no exceptions to this rule as it is a condition of our
site licence that this is done.
All Transfer Stations are NO SMOKING areas (unless in designated smoking areas).
There is no exception to this rule. You must not smoke on any site, in your cab, site
toilets or site offices, this includes Vapes and E-Cigarettes.
Please speak to a member of staff on site for assistance if required.
Please ensure that you have read and understood the
vehicle operators manual stored in the vehicle cab.
If in any doubt please STOP and ask……..
Page 136 of 197
Reviewed May 2024