Page 132 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 132

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
            1.    If there is any chance of materials

                  falling from the container, the waste
                  level must be reduced, before

                  activating the auto-sheeter. Call your
                  Operations Manager who can speak to

                  the customer and advise you on how to

                  proceed. Do not enter the bin and try to
                  move materials.

            2.    Activate the auto-sheeter mechanism;

                  once the sheet is in place, pull the securing ‘bungy’ cables down (using a reach pole,
                  if necessary) and secure them to the hooks on the container or vehicle chassis.

            3.    Ensure the sheeting arms are retracted and in the transport position
            4.    Check that the load is safe and secure, before leaving site.

                                         Loads must be sheeted at all times

            Useful Information

               1. On arrival at the site for the first time to deliver a container please ensure that you
                  ask the customer what material will be loaded into the container as they are designed
                  for light bulky materials and are charged on a Haulage and Tonnage basis. If you
                  believe the material to not be appropriate, please call your Operations Manager and
                  explain  the  situation  and  wait  for  their  advice  before  completing  delivery  of  the
               2. Extreme caution must be taken when reversing onto Roll on/off containers to ensure
                  that there is nobody between the container and your reversing vehicle.
               3. Never  allow  a  customer  or  member  of  the  public  to  operate  the  controls  of  the
               4.  Do not operate the hook loader if a customer or member of the public is nearby and
                  is likely to be struck by the container.
              5.  Once the container is loaded onto the vehicle, you must ensure the securing clamps
                  are engaged before you start driving. If the container is a short body do not pull it on
                  past the rear rollers.
               6. The  vehicle  is  fitted  with  an  automatic  sheeting  mechanism.    Once  the  loaded
                  container is safely in position on your vehicle, you must secure the sheet over the
                  load.  You  must  ensure  the  sheet  securing  straps  are  attached  correctly  to  the
                  container and the sheeting mechanism arms are back in the travelling position before
                  you start driving.
               7. If the container is not a level load, you MUST inform your Operations Manager who
                  will inform the customer to remove the excess from the container. Do not climb on
                  top of the waste in the container.
               8. When the automatic sheeting mechanism is not in use, you must ensure that the
                  sheet is fully retracted into the storage box and the arms are correctly placed for

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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