Page 130 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 130

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
            2.      Do not reverse your vehicle to the edge of the tipping face. Always allow at least 3

                    metres from the rear wheels to the edge of the tipping face.
            3.      Carefully unlock the rear door(s). Be aware that the door(s) could spring open without

                    warning, due to pressure from material inside the container or high winds (see risk
                    assessment in the Transport Office). Reminder Hard Hat to be worn when out of

                    your vehicle.

            4.      Always stand at the side of the vehicle when opening a single door container and
                    ensure  you  are  aware  of  the  locking  bar,  when  opening  double  doors.  DO  NOT

                    BECOME DISTRACTED.

            5.      ALWAYS  Fasten  the  door(s)  to  the  side  of  the  container,  to  prevent  them  from
                    swinging in the wind or whilst tipping.

            6.      Apply handbrake; engage P.T.O.; engage the suspension stabilisers; check that the
                    container chassis locks are disengaged.

            7.      Engage the main tipping arms; raise the container to the tipping position (i.e. the
                    tipping  frame  reaches  its  maximum  angle);  release  the  handbrake;  slowly  pull

                    forward, clear of load.

            8.      Ensure  forward  movement  is minimised as far as  possible,  to prevent  the  risk  of
                    vehicle toppling over.

            9.      Move the ram control lever to ‘Lower’ and hold, until the container is fully down and
                    contacts the sub-frame; check that the container is empty.

            10.     Disengage the P.T.O.; disengage the suspension stabilisers – DO NOT attempt to
                    move the vehicle with the stabilisers engaged.

            11.     Close the rear door(s); lock and fasten the safety chain or bar.

            12.     Clean all debris from the push bar. Make sure the rear
                    number plates, lights and marker boards are clean.

            13.     Before taking the vehicle on the public highway, ensure

                    that  there  are  no  objects  between  the  rear  wheels  -
                    remove anything between the wheels, before leaving


                   Roll On/Off Bin Safety Critical Devices
            It is essential that when drivers’ collect RoRo bins, they undertake a visual inspection to
            ensure the bin can be safely lifted and tipped and will be secure to the bed of the lorry during

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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