Page 131 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 131

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
            The following items are considered safety critical devices for the lifting, tipping and transit

            Also  known  as  a  wishbone  Hook  bar  or  bale  bar  which  is  welded  through  the  A-frame
            channel with reinforcing plates. This bar is used during the lift by using a hook on the roro
            lorry. You must ensure this bar visibly attached and doesn’t show signs of excessive wear
            that could cause the lift to fail.

            Runners underneath the bin
            The runners must be of sound condition to enable the rear locks (also known as bin clamps)
            to firmly engage against the runners, thus locking the bin onto the bed of the lorry. If the rear
            locks can not engage due to bent or misshaped runners, then the bin cannot be safely

            Also known as a crossbar, ensures the bin holds its shape. If the goalposts snaps or bends
            this can cause the bin walls to expand.

            The closed and locking mechanism, including locking pins and connecting chains

            AMS own a variety of different roro bins, some of them will utilise locking pins and connecting
            chains to secure the bin doors open or closed. These are essential to ensuring the bin door/s
            do not unexpectedly swing open during a lift, tip or during transit. Makeshift pins and chains,
            aside  from  those  created  by  our  in-house  welder/fabricator, are  not  acceptable  and  will
            cause failure. Dependant on the make of the roro bin the locking mechanism can include,
            but not limited to, a vertical bar with clamp attachments and locking in pads. Most roro bins
            will close using three clamps located on the side of the bin, every clamp/mechanism must
            be able to engage correctly with the locking in pads. If mechanisms are unable to engage
            correctly this can cause failure.

            If  you  identify  any  of  the  above  defects  that  have  rendered  the  lifting,  tipping  or  transit
            process unsafe, you must notify your Operations Manager and mark the bin using the yellow
            and black hazard tape to ensure that your fellow roro drivers do not pick up the bin.

                   Sheeting the load

            All AMS Ltd hook loaders are fitted with auto-sheeting

            mechanisms.  This  will  remove  the  need  for  manual
            sheeting.  Should  the  auto-sheeter  fail  or  become

            jammed, do no attempt to free it yourself. Contact the
            Transport  Manager  who  will  arrange  a  qualified

            technician to inspect and repair the mechanism.

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