Page 133 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 133

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                  travelling. If at any time, the mechanism cannot be stored correctly, you must notify
                  your Operations Manager and/or the Workshop Manager.
              9. Roll on off containers are hired to customers on the basis that they are filled with bulky
                  lightweight materials. Extreme caution must be taken when lifting large Roll on off
                  containers.  If  you  are  unsure  of  the  contents  of  the  container,  ask  on  site  for
                  confirmation of the type of material that has been loaded into it enabling you to assess
                  the weight. Roll on off drivers should be aware that, if a roll on/off container is loaded
                  in excess of its permitted weight, it will be inclined to make the vehicle top heavy and
                  affect its handling characteristics.
              10. If the container appears to be overloaded, then do not attempt to lift the container
                  please call your Operations Manager or Transport Manager and seek advice.
              11. Before tipping make sure there is enough room in front of and behind the vehicle.
              12. The Roll On/Off loader comes under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
                  Regulations 1998 (LOLER), and it is a legal requirement that it is inspected every 12
                  months. It is your responsibility to report any defects or malfunctions to your manager
                  immediately so that it can be repaired and made safe.
              13. Never work under an un-propped body.
              14. Ensure that equipment is greased regularly, this includes the container doors.
              15. When disposing of waste at any Transfer Station or Landfill site, you must follow the
                  instructions given to you by the site personnel at all times. Transfer Stations and
                  Landfill sites can be extremely dangerous places if you do not follow the instructions
                  given to you by the trained staff on site. Dangerous behaviour or failure to follow
                  instructions given to you by site personnel will not be tolerated and could result in
                  disciplinary action being taken against you.

                   When tipping at any Transfer Station or Landfill site you must follow these guidelines:

                        You must not reverse into the building until instructed to do so by the site Traffic
                        You  must  always  ensure  that  the  machine  operators  are  aware  of  your
                        You must tip where you are directed to do so.
                        Observe all site speed limits and take great care with regard to pedestrians.
                        Do not allow any other members of staff or any other persons to operate your
                        vehicle  controls  at  any  time.  It  is  your  responsibility  to  discharge  your  load
                        Always ensure that nobody can walk directly behind your vehicle whilst you are
                        discharging your load and you remain vigilant.
                        Once your load has been tipped, you must not sort through the load or remove
                        any items of waste, unless instructed to do so by the site Manager.
                        After your load has been discharged, you must lower your container and close
                        the rear doors within 3 meters and then leave the tipping area.
                        After your load has been tipped, you must lower the container onto your vehicle,
                        secure the rear doors, and secure the container and automatic sheet into the
                        travelling position.
                        You must not leave site without first obtaining a ticket from the ticket office for
                        the load you are tipping. There are no exceptions to this rule as it is a condition
                        of our site license that this is adhered to.

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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