Page 134 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 134

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
              16. When you open the rear doors or tailgate on the Roll on/off containers, you must wear
                  your Hard Hat. You must take extreme caution when opening the doors that they do
                  not swing open and that you are clear of any falling debris. Ensure extra care is taken
                  in  windy  conditions.  Always  ensure  that  the  doors  are  secured  back  in  the  open
                  position before you start tipping. If you need to clear debris to close the doors always
                  keep the door or doors safely chained back and close them one at a time. The wind
                  can pick up and sail the door at considerable force towards your working area.
              17. When tipping any Roll on-off container, you must always tip on a level
                  base.  If  you  are  unable  to  tip  on  level  ground,  you  must  notify  your
                  Operations Manager and ask that they can find you a level area to tip
                  your loaded container.
              18. Extreme  caution  must  always  be  taken  with  regard  to  overhead
                  obstructions,  such  as  bridges  and  cables.  The  Roll  On/Off  Vehicle
                  carries various sizes of container, so you must always be aware of your
                  overall height as to whether or not you can safely travel along certain
                  roads and under overhead obstructions.
              19. Do  not  under  any  circumstances  raise  or  lower  the  container  when
                  parked near or under mains power cables or pylons as there is a risk of electrocution.
              20. Ensure  that  any  damaged  or  in-operative  skips  are  reported  to  your  Operations
                  Manager or the Transport Office.

                   Roll on Off Vehicles Controls

            You must be familiar with all the controls of the vehicle to operate it safely:

                    Loader controls
                    The safe loading and off loading of containers
                    Buzzers and warning lights
                    Height Indicator
                    Reversing Camera/Bleeper

                                       Safety  systems  must  never  be  short
                                       circuited or interfered with as they are
                                       there for everyone’s safety.

                                                  Page 133 of 197
                                               Reviewed May 2024
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