Page 139 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 139

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
            Best practice would be to check your body after tipping off, if you need to dig out speak to a
            staff member on site and find a safe place to do this following the AMS Ltd procedure for
            cleaning out.

                        Manoeuvre the vehicle to the required position – follow instructions from site
                       staff, for exact location. Take care to ensure no pedestrians or other vehicles are
                       behind you. Request the use of a banksman, if one is available. If you are not
                       sure that it’s safe to keep moving – STOP, GET OUT, CHECK.
                        Once in position, apply the handbrake
                        Check that the sheet is fully retracted.
                        Check that ground is solid and there are no potential hazards (e.g. manhole
                       covers, drains, potholes, etc.).
                        Check the onboard weighing system is set to zero.
                       Ensure that the correct material / waste is being loaded if unsure reference
                       delivery/collection ticket (with muck away collections, the waste being collected
                       MUST be the same type as shown on the paperwork. Any variance has to be
                       communicated to both the customer and your Operations Manager who will
                        When the correct weight is reached, signal to the plant operator (by sounding
                       horn) to stop loading.
                        Move the vehicle away from the loading area, before checking the load.
                        Make sure there is no loose debris, that could fall off the vehicle – remove any
                       loose material, before sheeting.
                        Activate the auto-sheet mechanism. Never travel on the highway without the
                       load being sheeted.
                        Ensure that the sides of the vehicle are clear of debris to prevent spillages onto
                       the highway. If something was to fall off and strike a cyclist or pedestrian it could
                       cause a serious injury or fatality.
                        Ensure the number plate, all lights and marker boards are clean, before leaving

                   Raising tipping body

            Before commencing to tip the body, ensure that the vehicle is on level and stable
            ground, also be aware that high winds will make tipping dangerous.

            Whilst tipping on made-up ground on a landfill site or a transfer station stockpile, do
            not reverse your vehicle to the edge of the tipping face. Always allow at least 3 metres
            from the rear wheels to the edge of the tipping face.

            Before unloading ensure the following has been undertaken:-

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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