Page 127 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 127

O P E R A T I V E S   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                           V E R S I O N   4

               26.7  Mandatory Fire Damper Drop Test Checklist

               All checklists are now run through Safety Culture via the app. These questions are what will
               be found via the app.

               The visual inspection

               These answers are again yes or no.
                       Who is the fire damper manufacturer?

                       Is the fire damper in the correct orientation, complete with blades at the top?

                       Has the transit tape been removed?

                       Are the galleys clean?
                       Are the springs twisted?

                       Are the spring mountings secure?

                       Are the retaining brackets and rivets tight and secure?
                       Have Tec screws been used to connect the ductwork to the damper?

                       Is the fusible link or bar in good condition, with no visible signs of damage or solder
                       Is there any damage to the surrounding fire wall

                       On single blade dampers or multi blade dampers: - make sure the bearings are free
                      and allow full movement when fusible link is removed.

                       Does the fire damper appear to be of a sound installation

               (We do not lubricate fire dampers, unless it is stated in the manufactures specification,
               as lubrication attracts debris in critical areas)

               27 Manual Handling
                     Note: Manual handling is carried out for a lot of activities.

                      1.      Manual handling training is carried out in the way of toolbox talks.
                      2.      Loads  to  be  lifted  and  carried  over  a  long  distance  should  be  carried

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