Page 32 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 32

 citizens of
 Thebez have  d
         I can’t…
 locked them-  We wi  ;lSbg=====
 selves in their  burn it – just
 tower.  as we did at

                                                                   ltd|f] t/
                                                                  Run me
                                                             jf/ y't]/ dnfO{ dfl/xfn .
                                                              through with your
                                                             sword so people
                                                            Pp6L :qLn] dnfO{ df¥of] eg]/
                                                              can’t say that a
                                                             dflg;x¿n] eGg gkfpmg\ .
                                                               woman ki ed
 out of my
                              of]tfdn] u/]sf] cudjf0fLsf] afFsL efu klg k"/f eof] .
                               And the rest of Jotham’s prophecy
                                was fulfi	ed as Abimelech was
                                   lubf]gsf &) 5f]/fx¿nfO{ xTof ug]{
                               repaid for his wickedne  in the
                                     b'i6tfsf] k|ltkmn ltgn] kfP .
                               slaughter of the 70 sons of Gideon.

 A gift for

                                                      clg ltgLkl5 lunfbL ofO/ v8f eP .
                                                     He was fo	owed by Jair of
                                                     Gilead who was distinguished
                                                     ltgsf #) hgf 5f]/fx¿ lyP hf] #) j6f
                                                       by having 30 sons who
                                                           uwfdf ;jf/ x'Gy] .
                                                       rode on 30 donkeys.

 A  gh…

         clad]n]s dl/;s]kl5 tf]nf
          After Abimelech
         gfd u/]sf Pp6f Pk|mfOdLn]
         died, an Ephraimite
          named Tola led
        O;|fPnnfO{ @# jif{;Dd cu'jfO{
         and judged israel
             tyf Gofo u/] .
           for 23 years.
                                                                               ltgn] @@ jif{;Dd
                                                                               He led israel
                                                                                 22 years.
                                                                             O;|fPnnfO{ cu'jfO u/] .
 Judges 9:50-53
 Judges 9:50-53                           Gofostf{x¿ (M%@–!)M%
                                          Judges 9:52–10:5
                                          Judges 9:52–10:5
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