Page 35 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 35
Though Gilead was his father,
O;|fPnLx¿sf] dfemdf Ps z"/jL/
Among the people of israel lunfb pgsf lktf ePtfklg pgsL cfdf rflxF
his mother was a prostitute –
was a mighty wa
ior – Ps j]Zof lyOg\ / pgsf ;f}t]gL bfh'efOx¿n] Doing what he did best,
of]4f lyP –lunfbL loKtx .
and his half-brothers
Jephthah the Gileadite. pgnfO{ lunfbb]lv lgsfnL lbPsf lyP . n8fOF ub}{ lxF8\gdf l;kfn' o]
fighting, Jephthah
drove him out of Gilead.
Ktxl;t e/f}6]x¿sf] Pp6f ;fgf]
developed a sma
Get out,
As a young man he
pgL hjfg 5Fbf pgnfO{ lunfb tF tf j]ZofsL 5f]/f] army of mercenaries
kmf}h lyof] .
xf];\, xfd|f] 3/af6
had b n driven from you son of a around him.
;x/af6 lgsfnf ul/Psf] lyof] . prostitute.
the city of Gilead.
lg:s]/ uOxfn\ .
xfd|f] lktfsf] 3/
You have
no share in
df t]/f] s'g} xs
this family!
5}g Û
lunfbsf a'9fk|wfgx¿ loKtxnfO{
The elders of Gilead
came to s Jephthah. Come
e]6\g cfP .
and fight the
cDdf]gLx¿;Fu n8fOF
A onites and
ug'{xf];\ / lunfbdfly
cfpg'xf];\, cDdf] you wi be
head over
gLx¿sf] lj?4df xfd|f] zf;s x'g'xf];\ ..
and lead our
armies against
;]gfnfO{ g]t[Tj ug'{xf];\
the A onites.
. ltgLx¿n] xfd|f] ;x/
They are camped
if I fight
aflx/ 5fpgL xfn]sf olb d}n] cDdf]gLx¿;Fu
outside our
the A onites
city. n8]F / ltgLx¿nfO{ d]/f]
5g\ .
and the Lord
gives them into
s] ltdLx¿n] dnfO{ xftdf ;'lDklbg'eof] eg]
Didn’t you
hate me and my hand – wi I
lt/:sf/ u/]/ d]/f
reay be your
drive me from s] ;fFRr} d ltdLx¿sf
lktfsf] 3/af6 lgsfn] zf;s xf]pFnf <
my father’s
sf xf]Ogf} / <
k/dk|e' g} xfd|f]
Now, you The Lord as
/ clxn]
;fIfL x'g'x'G5,
come to me our witne,
ltdLx¿nfO{ cfkb
you wi be
when you are tkfO{+ g} xfd|f] zf;s
kbf{ dsxfF cfpF5f} < our head.
in trouble?
x'g'x'g]5 .
Gofostf{x¿ !!M!–!!
Judges 11:1-11
Judges 11:1-11