Page 39 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 39

xfdLnfO{ gaf]
                                                           Why did
                  it is
               oL t xfd|f cfˆg}                          you go out
                                                          nfOsg lsg
                our own
               dflg;x¿ x'g\  .                           against the
                                                          ltdLx¿ cDdf]
                                                          A onites
                                                         gLx¿sf] lj?4df
                                                          caing us?
                                                          n8\g uof} <
                                                           We’ burn
                                                           xfdL ltdLnfO{
          Pk|mfOdsf                                       your house
                                                          ltd|f] 3/ ;d]t
         people of                                        down over
                                                           hnfOlbg]5f}F .
         dflg;x¿ .                                        your head.
                                                                              I caed
                                                                            d}n] af]nfPsf] lyPF t/
                                                                            but when you
                                                                           ha ltdLx¿n] ;xfotf
                                                                            didn’t help I
                                                                             u/]gf}+, ta cfˆgf]
                                                                           t­k my life
                                                                             Hofg hf]lvddf /
                                                                           into my hands
                                                                            to fight the
                                                                           fv]/ d cDdf]gLx¿sf]
                                                                            A onites.
                                                                            lj?4df n8\g uPF .
                                                                                A you
                                                                              ltdL lunfbLx¿
                                                                            Gileadites are
                                                                            ljZjf;3ftLx¿ xf} .
                                       This time Jephthah went
                                      o; kN6 loKtx cfˆg} dflg;x¿sf]
                                       to war against his own
                                       lj?4df n8\g uP / ljhoL eP .
                                       people – and prevailed.

           After the ba le
          n8fOFkl5 s]xL Pk|mfOdLx¿n]
            some of the
           3/ kms{gsf] lglDt gbL
          Ephraimites tried
         to cro  the river
              tg]{ k|of; u/] .
           to return home.
               loKtxsf dflg;x¿n] ltgLx¿sf]
              Jephthah’s men devised
                  an interesting
                jf:tljstf kQf nufpg Pp6f
               plan to uncover them.
                     pkfo /r] .
                                          Gofostf{x¿ !@M !–%
                                           Judges 12:1-5
                                           Judges 12:1-5
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