Page 38 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 38

Just then, his only child,
                                     ====pgsL Ps dfq} 5f]/L pgnfO{
                                       a daughter, came              gfOF ÛÛÛ
                                          e]6\g lg:sL .
                                    ru ing out to m t him.           No!!!

                                                                         You have given
                                                                         xh"/n] k/dk|e'nfO{ jrg
                                         My                               your word to
                                     d]/L 5f]/L–ltdLn]                    lbO;Sg'ePsf] 5 .
                                     daughter –
                                                                            the Lord.
                                   you have made
                                    dnfO{ cToGt} b'MvL
                                                                            He avenged
                                    me the most                            pxfFn] xh"/sf zq'x¿
                                                                            you on your
                                     agfPsL 5]pm .
                                    wretched of                            cDdf]gLx¿;Fu abnf
                                      a  men.                               enemies, the
                                                                             lng'ePsf] 5 .
                                      Because I
                                       lsgls d}n] k/
                                     made a vow
                                     dk|e'l;t Pp6f efsn
                                     to the Lord
                                     u/]sf]  5' h;nfO{ d
                                       I ca ot
                                       tf]8\g ;lSbgF .

                d]/f] Pp6f cg'/f]w k"/f
                “Just grant me
                 one request.”
                   ul/lbg'xf];\ .
                    dnfO{ b'O{ dlxgfsf] lglDt d]/f
                    “Give me two months
                    to go into the hi s
                    ;x]nLx¿l;t 8fF8fx¿df hfg
                    with my friends and
                    lbg'xf];\ / ljnfk ug{ lbg'xf];\
                     w p – because I
                     wi  never may.”
                    lsgls d slxNo} ljjfx ulb{gF .

                                        clg O;|fPndf Pp6f k|yf rNof], x/]s jif{
                                       This started a custom in israel
                                     of the young women in israel going
                                      jif{sf] x/]s rf/ lbg O;|fPnsf 5f]/Lx¿ lunfbL
                                     out for four days in memory of the
                                        loKtxsL 5f]/Lsf lglDt ljnfk ug{ hfGy] .
                                     daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite.

                                         Gofostf{x¿ !!M#$–#(
                                          Judges 11:34-39
                                          Judges 11:34-39
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