Page 37 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 37

k/d]Zj/sf] zlQmåf/f ;';lHht eP/ loKtx
          Equi ed with God’s power, Jephthah            t/ loKtxn] Pp6f
          moved out against the A onite army.        But Jephthah made
                cDdf]gLx¿sf] ;]gfl;t n8\g uP .
                                                       a flish vow.
                                                       d"v{tfk"0f{ efsn u/] .
                                                         if you
                                                      olb tkfO{+n] cDdf]
                                                     wi  grant me
                                                    gLx¿sf] lj?4df dnfO{
                                                    victory against
                                                     ljho lbg'eof] eg] d
                                                     the A onites,
                                                    whatever comes
                                                      kms{Fbf d]/f] 3/sf] 9f]
                                                    out of my house
                                                     sfaf6 dnfO{ e]6\g h]
                                                    to m	t me when
                                                    lg:s]/ cfpF5, To;nfO{
                                                     I return, I wi
                                                    sacrifice as an
                                                    d e]6Lsf] ?kdf alnbfg
                                                       o ering.
                                                         ug]{5' .
                         k/d]Zj/n] ltgLx¿nfO{ s'g} ljho
                       A custom among generals
                        was to promise the god
                       lbg'ePdf k/d]Zj/nfO{ 7"nf] df]nsf] s]xL
                      of their worship something
                      yf]s lbg]5' egL efsn ug]{ ;]gfkltx¿sf]
                       of great value if the god
                           aLrdf Pp6f rng lyof] .
                        would give them victory.

          The bale
         loKtx / O;|fPnn]
          went we
          n8fOFdf ;kmntf
         for Jephthah
             kfP .
          and israel.
               Twenty towns that had
               O;|fPnsf] xftdf aL; j6f ;x/x¿
              b n captured came back
                        cfP .
              into the hands of israel.

                                                                             Jephthah and
                                                                             loKtx / ;]gfx¿
                                                                               the army
                                                                            returned home –
                                                                            ljhoL eP/ 3/ kms]{ .
                                         Gofostf{x¿ !!M@(–##
                                          Judges 11:29-33
                                          Judges 11:29-33
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42