Page 33 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 33

O;|fPnL hflt km]l/ Psrf]l6 k/dk|e'b]lv
        Once again the people of
                                                             God raised up against them the
         israel turned away as a
                                                              k/d]Zj/n] ltgLx¿sf] lj?4df cDdf]gL /
       kms]{ / pxfFn] df]zfåf/f lbg'ePsf] cf1fsf]            A onites and the Philistines who
        nation from what God had
               lj?4df nfu] .
       shown them through Moses.                             kln:tLx¿ v8f ug'{eof] h;n] ltgLx¿nfO{ !*
                                                              o re ed them for 18 years.
                                                                    jif{;DDf lyrf]ldrf] u/] .
         They worshi ed Bl,
          ltgLx¿n] afn, cZtf/f]t / ltgLx¿
           Ashtoreth and the
            jl/kl/ a:g] ;a} hfltx¿sf
            gods of a the
            b]jtfx¿nfO{ k"hf ug{ yfn] .
         nations around them.

                                                            He is
                                           Why did we
                                          xfdLn] k/dk|e'nfO{
                                                        cf/fwgfnfO{ Tofu]/ oL
                                         ever forsake   angry with us
                                          lsg Tofu]sf] xf]nf <  for replacing  That is
                                           the Lord?
                                                         em'§f d"lt{x¿nfO{ k"h]
                                                                        To;}n] pxfFn]
                                                        worship of him  why he is
                                                                        xfdLnfO{ b08
                                                        sf] sf/0f pxfF xfdLl;t
                                                        with these false  punishing
                                                                        lbFb} x'g'x'G5 .
                                                         l/;fpg'ePsf] 5 ..  us.

                                                              We have
                                                          xfdLn] k/dk|e'sf] lj?4df
                                                           si ed greatly
                                                          before the Lord.
                                                            3f]/ kfk u/]sf 5f}F .
        k/d]Zj/n] cudjQmfx¿ k7fpg'eof]
        God sent prophets who
        delivered this me age:
          h;n] o;f] eGg] ;Gb]z k7fP M
                                 ha ld>Lx¿, Pdf]/Lx¿,
                                 the Egyptians,
                                 ldBfgLx¿ / c¿ hfltn]
                              Amorites, Midianites
                                ltdLx¿nfO{ lyrf]ldrf] u/] /
                             and others oreed
                               ltgLx¿n] dnfO{ k'sf/ u¥of}, ta
                             you – did I not deliver
                              s] d}n] ltdLx¿nfO{ 5'6sf/f lbPsf]
                               you when you cried
                                  out to me?
                                     lyOgF / <

                                          Gofostf{x¿ !)M^–!#
                                          Judges 10:6-13
                                          Judges 10:6-13
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