Page 34 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 34
hfpm, ltdLx¿n] xfdLn] 7"nf] kfk Te the Lord to
k/dk|e'nfO{ elglbgf];\ ls
Go, shed
We have
5fg]sf O{Zj/x¿sf]
your tears and greatly do whatever He ltdLx¿n]
pxfFnfO{ h] h] c;n nfU5,
speak to the u/]sf 5f}F . thinks best, but You know
ToxL xfdLl;t ug'{xf];\ t/
;fd' cfFz' aufpm /
s] ug'{k5{,
si ed.
gods you have please deliver what you
clxn] xfdLnfO{ 5'6sf/f
ltdLx¿nfO{ yfx}
ltgLx¿nfO{ g} k'sf/ . us now! must do.
lbg'xf];\ .
5 lg .
ltgLx¿n] g}
them save
and deliver
arfpmg\, 5'6sf/f
you from
b]pmg\ Û
ltgLx¿sf] dg kms]{sf] b]v]/ k/dk|e''n]
After s ing their hearts turn
back the Lord answered them.
ltgLx¿sf] k'sf/ ;'Gg'eof] .
The A onite army invaded
cDdf]gL ;]gfx¿ o'4sf] lglDt e]nf eP /
israel and encamped
lunfb ;x/sf] aflx/ 5fpgL xfn] .
outside the town of Gilead.
the leaders of gilead decided whoever
cDdf]gLx¿sf] lj?4df n8fOF ;'? ug]{ JolQm lunfbsf ;a}
was wi ing to launch the aack against
afl;Gbfx¿dfly zf;s x'g]5 egL lunfbsf cu'jfx¿n] lg0f{o u/] .
the a onites would become their head.
Judges 10:14-18
Judges 10:14-18
Gofostf{ !)M!$–!*