Page 36 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 36

                                                                  d}n] ltgLx¿sf] b]znfO{
                                                                  ask Why am I
                                                                 lsg cfqmd0f ug{ nfu]sf]
acking their
                                                                 egL ltgLx¿n] ;f]W5g\ .
                                                                 it’s Because
                                                                lsgls ltgLx¿n]
                                           A me age             they tk our
                                                                ob{g;Ddsf] xfd|f
                                                                 land by the
                                            from the
                                           cu'jfaf6 Pp6f
                                          leader of the         b]z nu]sf 5g\  .
                                             ;Gb]z .

                                                                                  I want
                                                                                  d Tof] lkmtf{
                                                                                 it back–
                                                                               rfxfG5'– zflGtk"j{s
                                                           Relay to
                                                         of] ;Gb]z /fhfsxfF
                                                          the king this
                                                           k'¥ofOb]pm .
                                                           me age.

          ha xfd|f dflg;x¿ ld>b]lv
        “When our people came
        out of Egypt we did not
        lg:s]/ cfP, ta  xfdLn] df]cfaL /
         take land from Moab
          cDDff]gLx¿sf] s'g} b]z lnPgf}+ .
           or the A onites.

                                 xfdL phf8:yfg eP/ ofqf u¥of}F /
                               “We then traveled through
                               the desert and conquered
                                 Pdf]/Lx¿sf] b]znfO{ sAhf u¥of}F .
                                the land of the Amorites.
                                                    ltdLx¿sf b]jtf sdf]zn] ltdLx¿nfO{ h] lbG5g\, ToxL n]pm
                                                    “Take what your God Chemosh
                                                   grants you and we wi prosper
                                                   / xfd|f k/d]Zj/n] xfdLnfO{ h] lbg'x'G5, xfdL ToxLF lng]5f}F .
                                                     with what God has given us.
                                                                “For 300 years we have
                                                               #)) jif{;DDf tL ;x/x¿ xfd|f] sAhfdf
                                                              po­e­ed these towns– why
                                                              lyof], ta lsg ltdLx¿n]] lkmtf{ lnPgf}+ t <
                                                               didn’t you take them then?
                                                               cfhsf] lbg k/dk|e' g} xfdLx¿
                                                               “Let the Lord decide
                                                               the dispute this day.”
                                                                 aLrsf] Gofostf{ xf]pmg\ .

                                          Judges 11:12-28
                                          Judges 11:12-28
                                         Gofostf{x¿ !!M!@–@*
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