Page 54 - Course Catalog 20-21
P. 54

Lodi Unified School District                                        53

                                                     Course Catalog

        Industrial Arts

         Architectural Design 3 CTE                                                                       570380

                                                                          Fine Art,                     Arch Design
            LHS        12       10                        Y                                    N
                                                                         Lang, CTE                       Capstone
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        This course is designed for students desiring additional study in architecture and the building industry.  During the year, students will
        design a house and prepare a set of working drawings using AutoCAD and Architectural Desktop software. Prerequisite: Successful
        completion of Civil Engineering and Architecture CTE.

         Auto Mechanics CTE                                                                               565200

          BCHS,LHS,   9-12      10       Yes – see                        Fine Art,            N        System/Ops
            THS                           page 22                        Lang, CTE                      Introduction
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        This course gives students fundamental information and skills in the construction of the automobile and the operational needs of
        automobile maintenance. Students are introduced to major automotive components through practical application projects. Areas
        included are shop safety, names of, and appropriate use of power tools, fundamental principles, and construction of the internal
        combustion engine. Also covered are automobile chassis, suspension, brake, fuel, lubrication, electrical systems and emission controls.

         Auto Mechanics, Advanced CTE                                                                     565280

          BCHS,LHS,                      Yes – see                        Fine Art,                     System/Ops
            THS       10-12     10        page 22                        Lang, CTE             Y        Introduction
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        This course builds on knowledge gained in introductory automotive class.  This is an in-depth study of the automobile, covering specific
        aspects of maintenance and/or repair. This course is designed to further the student’s knowledge of the automobile and to develop
        the necessary skills in the related automotive fields. The student puts into practice the technical knowledge learned in the intro class.

         Auto Services CTE                                                                                565570

                                                                          Fine Art,                      Operations
            LHS        12       20                                                             N
                                                                         Lang, CTE                       Capstone
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        This two-hour course trains in the adjustment and repair of autos, including suspension and brake systems, emission controls, engine
        diagnosis, tune-ups, air conditioning and engine rebuilding.  Students train on the Allen computer and other diagnostic equipment.
        Prerequisite: Successful completion of Auto Mech.

         Building Trades & Construction I CTE CP                                                          557210

                                                                          Fine Art,                     Bldg & Const
          BCHS, LHS   9-12      10                                                    *        N
                                                                         Lang, CTE                      Introduction
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        Construction is an overview of the construction trades, with integrated Geometry content. Students master measurement systems,
        safe use of hand and power tools, calculation and characteristics of materials, basic carpentry, framing, introduction to electrical
        wiring and plumbing, and site preparation. Students will learn scale modeling, sketching, and basic blueprinting. Students learn
        about construction careers. Coursework is research and project-based, developing teamwork and project management skills. The
        culminating project is a house design project: scale modeling, sketches, rough blueprints, materials lists and pricing, personnel
        needed, and in-class presentation. Students demonstrate responsibility for personal, occupational safety on the job site and have
        the opportunity to obtain OSHA cards certifying their competence.
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