Page 114 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 114

Step 5: Manufacture You r Idea into a Product  1 05

to sell and the company's gross sales numbers. Check out these
websites for information on obtaining a UPC:

111l111on­  Keep notepads in your car, o n your nightstand, and i n your
 doll :ll   ,uu:nH,n. or anywhere you spend time. You will have little

TIP                   popping u p in your head at odd times, and the note­
            pads will ensure you don't forget any. Keep a flashlight or
            pen with a light handy on your nightstand-I bet you will

            have some 3 A.M. ideas like I did! Transfer the good ideas

            into your workbook or computer, so everything stays in
            one place.

     Once you've dealt with the manufacturing, you can breathe a
deep sigh of relief. That is usually the most difficult and trying phase
ofyourjourney. Many people become so frustrated at this point that
they end their journey. Congratulate yourself and celebrate!

     At this point, you will know:

 • That your product can and will be made.
 • Why you are using the specific materials you chose.
 • What your prototype and packaging looks like.

      You will continue to use and test everything until you feel it
      is perfected, but for now, you're up and running. You are now
      ready to officially make yourself a CEO and get your "office"
      set up.
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