Page 146 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 146
1 38 Your Idea, I nc.
Beautiful 13eautiful 13eautiful
Colors are also important and have their own properties of evok
ing a feeling. For example, red is known as being the color of power
and passion. Yellow is associated with happiness and energy. Light
pinks and pastel blues feel juvenile since they are typically used for
baby products. Be sure to discuss color and font with your graphic
designer when working on your marketing materials. Your font
style, color, and graphics will become your brand. Keep them con
sistent on everything from packaging to price sheets.
What to Actual ly M ake
As you've no doubt seen, there is an endless supply of products you
can use to market your materials. The spectrum ranges from the
traditional (trifold brochures , one-page fliers) to the useful (pens,
calendars) to the fun (Frisbees, temporary tattoos). Your product, its
market, and your budget should help you narrow it down to those
options that will get you the most bang for your buck. Here are
some of the traditional pieces you'll need.
Trifold Brochures
You've seen these thousands of times, either in your mailbox or
in cardboard holders on counters at stores. They're usually an 81/2"
x 1 1" sheet of paper folded evenly into three sections the long way.
They're useful because you get both sides to fill, so you have room
to use several photos and a good amount of descriptive copy. Here
is a sample layout to consider:
• Side 1 , fold 1 (front): company name, logo, website, and photo
• Side 2 , fold 1 (inside , left panel): your elevator pitch and a list
of competitive advantages
• Side 2 , fold 2 (inside, middle panel): photos and contact