Page 148 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 148

1 40  Your Idea, Inc.

information. If your local printer does not handle postcards, here
are just a few of the many companies that print them:

 • Modern Postcard:
 • Postcard Mania:
 • My Postcard Printing:

     Your graphic designer can help set up the postcard, then e-mail
or upload it to the printer you choose. It is fast, easy, and effective.

     Purchase mailing lists with names of businesses within a certain
industry from companies like Dunn and Bradstreet (
or USA Data (

                                       Other Fun Items

     Though it's entertaining to see all the wild things you can print
your logo on (see for a slew of them), save them
for a time when you have a bigger budget. Though these items are
fun to hand out at trade shows, you need to focus first and foremost
on putting the facts about your product in the right hands. Unless
you feel that fun items will truly do that and you can justify the
high cost, skip them for now.

                  Mailing lists can be expensive, so here's another option.
                            in your industry'S trade magazines. Some will list mem­
                           of the trade association once a year in the magazine.

                  Or-shhh, don't tell-check a competitor's website and see
                  if they have a ·Where to Buy· section, where they list a l l the
                  stores that they sell to. Those lists are a great starting point.

                                   Creating a Website

If putting together a website seems overwhelming and expensive,
it doesn't have to be any of those things! You can hire someone to
build your website at a very reasonable rate these days. Unless you
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