Page 149 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 149
Step 7. Learn Marketing 1 01 141
have already set up websites for some reason, let an expert take care
of this for you. You don't want your site to be going offline all the
time, loaded with broken links, or difficult to use. Your website is
an essential facet of your company's image and it needs to be great.
Baby Steps to Building Your Website
l . Talk with colleagues or friends who have built their own
website. They will probably have been-there-done-that tips
for you .
2. Note what you like about your favorite websites. Is it the
look, the layout, the fonts , the user-friendly system, the
easy checkout? Look for the web designer's credit-it's often
listed at the bottom of the homepage. Consider contacting
him to design your site.
3. Talk to at least three web designers, and get pricing and a
detailed list of what your site will include. Just like with
manufacturing, you need to be comparing apples with apples
when you get pricing for building your website. Ask them
if they implement e-commerce applications or if they work
with someone who does. It's nice to have a team that can
work together. Discuss their level of experience with search
engine optimization (which will be discussed in Step 8).
4. Register your website domain, and set up your e-mail
address with your own company or domain name as soon
as possible if you haven't already.
After the initial website is up, your web deSigner should work on
an hourly basis as needed for website updates, pricing changes, and
so on. Work with someone you like and trust, and someone who will
be available to make changes or website repairs in a timely fashion.
Find an Available Domain Name
If you have already trademarked your company name, you prob
ably checked the availability of that domain name already. If that