Page 166 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 166
1 58 Your Idea, I nc.
To begin writing one yourself, include the following:
• Your company name
• An exciting and timely title to catch attention
• Description of what you are selling
• Your product's benefits
• Your contact information
Once you've assembled these, write an announcement that alerts
everyone to the arrival of your product to the marketplace. Your story
needs a unique angle, so that when it gets to an editor of a magazine,
they're immediately intrigued. Consider what made you think of the
idea in the first place, and see if you can parlay that into a headline
that will grab the reader. Then begin your "story" by announcing
the benefits of your product. Marketing Source offers a great sample
template and more explanation of writing an effective press release
at www.marketingsource.comlpressreleaselreleaseformat. html.
If they can do it,
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Geek Squad fo under Robert Stephens started his business i n
1 994 with $200 a n d a bicycle . He was a self-proclaimed com
puter geek a n d made house cal l s to solve compute r problems.
Robert began to add other "geeks" to his "squad" and built his
brand by having the geeks arrive looking like "specia l agents."
They a l l wear black pants, wh ite shirts, and b lack ties. In 2004,
Best B u y acq u i red Geek Squad and they work out of m a ny Best
Buy stores. Today, there are more than 1 5,000 "specia l agents"
who ca n fix n ot only you r comp uter but yo ur i Pod, television, and
G PS systems, too.