Page 170 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 170
1 62 Your Idea, Inc.
cause that would appreciate even small donations. Let the group
know that you appreciate their work and would like to help in a
small way by donating a small percentage (which you will deter
mine) of your profits to their organization. Then it is up to you to
write the check on a regular basis-quarterly or semiannually, for
example .
You can also discuss the possibility of using their logo on some
of your marketing materials so that customers are aware that you
support a cause that is within their own community or something
that they may feel strongly about as well.
If they can do it,
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One of the most fa mous success stories tied to p h i l a nthropy is
Ethos Water. Founder Peter Thum was distraught after visiting
South Africa and seei ng firsthand the lack of safe drinking water
ava i la ble. He wanted to help fix the problem, so he decided to
sell pre m i u m bottled water a n d donate a percentage of profits
to people in need of clean water. Ethos's philant h ropic concept
to uched Howard Schu ltz, CEO of Starbucks. He loved the idea
and bought the company. Ethos is both p rofitable a n d cha rita
ble-a g reat combination !
Private Label Marketing Opportunities
Many companies look to outside sources to create products they
don't make themselves for a variety of reasons, but they want to sell
under their brand name. Rather than thinking that you should sell
your idea to one of these larger companies, instead try to become a
manufacturing source for them . You have probably seen this before
but have not even noticed it as such. For example, high-end fashion