Page 167 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 167

Step 8. Make the Most of You r Marketing Efforts  1 59

   Make You r Own Press Kit (also known as "Media Kit")

Press kits are packages of information and samples that you will
send to buyers and to editors of magazines and trade papers. They
make a complete presentation of your product and company.

                                      Inside Press Kits

    The typical contents are:

 • Your press release (printed on company letterhead)
 • An article from a trade magazine promoting the need for your

    product (if available)
 • Your postcard
 • A sample of the product or glossy photo
 • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet (if your product

    requires more explanation than a photo can offer). Cover the
    five most important selling points and eliminate any confusion.

    If the kit is going to a buyer, you can also include a wholesale
pricing list. Be sure those lists go only to buyers, however, not edi­
tors. If editors receive the wholesale list, they will quote that price to
their readers instead of the actual marked-up retail cost (big prob­
lem!). Have a separate retail-pricing sheet available if requested by
editors or anyone else that deals directly with consumers.

An inexpensive way to make a standard press kit is to use
            with pockets. You can find laminated two-pocket fold­

      at any office supply store. Be sure they are laminated­
that format is sturdy and has a nice, glossy finish. Customize
the front of the folder with your company logo stickers. Be
sure that each and every piece within your ma rketing pack­
age has your contact information. Include your name, com­
pany name, address, phone, fax, website address, and e-mail.
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