Page 209 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 209

202 Your I dea, Inc.

 • Booth setup is confusing. People walking by quickly may be con­
    fused because the booth is occupied by two separate companies.

    You really need to know the person you would share with. People
can be aggressive at shows and you want your booth to feel inviting,
not crowded or intimidating. In addition, it is clear to people at the
show that you're sharing for budgetary reasons, and that doesn't
always send the right message. Consider all these factors long and
hard before coupling up in a booth.

       If You Need to Change Your Booth after You Arrive

    Though it's very rare, it is not unprecedented to move your booth
once you see its location during show setup. If there is an unex­
pected obstacle, like a pole blocking a portion of your booth, request
to move before you set up. Trust me; it's easier than moving later.
Speak up if you are unhappy with your booth. Because trade shows
are not selling out like they used to, it's an "exhibitors market," and
unsold or unused space can quickly be turned into a booth.

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     Brian Scudamore fo und the g a rbage pickup busi ness to be very
     lucrative. I n 1 989, he started a busi ness cal led the Rub bish Boys
     that hau led j u n k for people. He started out with one truck, and
     with in a yea r, he was g rossi n g $1 m i l l ion. Several years later, he
     changed the company name to 1 -800-GOT-J U N K? a n d began
     building h is brand with pai nted trucks, clean crews d ressed in
     u n iforms, and a l eaders h i p style that made the company a real
     success. By 2005, revenues were $68 m i l l ion, a growth of 90 per­
     cent from the previ ous year. Scudamore decided the best way to
     g row the business would be to franchise it, and today there a re
     more than 300 1 -800-GOT-J U N K? fra nch ises in three cou ntries.
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