Page 211 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 211

204 Your Idea, Inc.

             B uil ding Your Booth From the Ground Up:
                               The Layout and Look

When you're officially registered for a show, it's time to design your
booth. Give it some thought instead ofjust throwing it together with
some posterboard. It's a real turnoff to walk by a booth that has a
homemade sign and mismatched flooring and tables. It looks like a
fly-by-night company and a buyer is not going to want to do busi­
ness with someone who doesn't take pride in his or her company.
You don't need a big budget to put together a nice-looking booth­
you just need to take the time to sketch out ideas and pull all the
elements of the booth together to make it look appealing, welcom­
ing, and professional. Make it enticing so buyers want to visit.

                                The Size and Layout

    The most common size booth at many trade-shows is 101 x 101•

The big companies have booths that are double or triple (or even
more) that square footage. Ten by ten foot booths are a decent size
to display product on two or three tables and still have a little room
where people can actually "step inside" the booth to look closer or
write an order.

    The booth layout depends on how buyers should see and experi­
ence your product-will it be laid on a table or does it need to stand
up and be moved around?

                              The Look of Your Booth

    Setting up a booth follows the same principal as setting up a home
office. First and foremost, it has to look profeSSional . Sometimes
booths are set up simply by using a round table in the middle of the
booth with the new product displayed on it, along with business
cards, brochure or flier, price list, and a professional-looking sign.
That's it. It's an inexpensive way to make it happen-not overly
impressive by any means , but simple and professional. As long as the
signage and brochures are high quality, the booth can be sparse.
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