Page 215 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 215

208 You r Idea, Inc.

                                 Pull It All Together

    Once you have determined the main parts of your booth (fur­
niture, signage, product display), think about adding some small
touches to bring the design up a notch. For example, try a nice
tableskirt that matches your color scheme, an extra lighting fixture,
or piece of furniture that can double as storage space.

    As long as the booth is professional looking and clearly show­
cases your products, you don't need a special theme or excessive
staging, so don't go overboard.

         Packing and Shipping Your Booth to the Show

Since you've completed the Biz Brainstorm: Build a Fake Booth

exercise (on page 205), you know exactly what you need to bring

to the show. Compile everything and begin packing it in a way
that will be logical when you unpack and set up your booth. For
example, if you need a screwdriver to assemble a shelf, either pack
it with the shelf or with a small tool bag. Plan ahead so you avoid
throwing items into random boxes. Here are some items you prob­
ably need. You will, of course, have some other supplies so be sure
to add them to the list.

          Trade-show Supplies Checklist
    o Box cutter
    o Business cards
    o Carpetlflooring (unless the show will provide that for you)
    o Display product, samples, and testers
    o Fabric for tables and/or backdrop
    o Fliers, brochures, price sheets, and press kits
    o Hand cart/dolly
    o Press coverage in magazines for display
    o Purchase order forms (in duplicate; buyers will want a copy)
    o Return shipping labels
    o Ribbons, frames, and decorative accessories
    o Scissors, pens, note pads
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