Page 217 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 217
210 Your Idea, Inc.
Also, consider how you're getting to the show. If you're driving,
you may want to take a few essentials in the car with you so that in
the unfortunate event that a box or two is lost, you are not without,
say, your product!
Cover your booth each night. Although the show will pro
security during off-hours, you do hear of rare occasions
products are stolen from booths. Almost every booth
will "lock up" by covering merchandise with sheets. Go to
Target or any discount store and get a few king-sized flat
sheets (the fitted sheets are no help at all) on the clearance
rack to drape over your booth.
Bringing the Booth to the Show Yourself
If you didn't have to ship your booth supplies to the show site, con
sider yourself lucky. You will have everything in your own hands
and you will save a lot of money. Obviously, the cheapest way to get
your booth to a show is to haul it to the show, unload it, and get it to
your booth location yourself. Exhibition facilities make the "schlep
per" option fairly easy, as long as you obey their instructions and
don't ask them for manual labor or supplies.
Larger shows will usually have a "set up" day prior to the show
day when exhibitors can pull up, park, and unload their booth
materials without too much trouble. For example, the day before a
show at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City, you can park your
vehicle right in front of the building free of charge and unload your
booth. The biggest hassle is waiting for an elevator. Not too bad.
Some facilities make it even easier for the "schlepper." At a recent
show at the Los Angeles Convention Center, exhibitors simply
pulled up to the rear of the facility on set-up day, unloaded every
thing onto waiting pallets and forklift drivers delivered the pallets
to their booth locations without a charge. What a rare pleasure!