Page 219 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 219


make your trade show debut

     Expect the best. Preparefor the worst. Capitalize on what comes.
                                                                                               -ZIG ZIGLAR

As you enter the exhibit hall on the first day of your first trade
show, it is a memorable moment. You have entered the arena; you
are a player. Picture it for minute: Visualize yourself walking into
the huge room with all those booths and all those businesses, and
see your booth among them. You have done it. What a feeling! You
have a product for the marketplace and now is your chance to tell
everyone about it. Here are tips for making the most of your debut.

                         Trade S h ow Dos and Don'ts

Yes, it's from Annie, but it's true: You're never fully dressed without a

smile. Come to the show confident, prepared, energetic, and enthu­
siastic. The new booths get a lot of attention at shows, so let your
positive energy be contagious!

                                     Dress the Part
    Remember one word about appropriate dress for a trade show:
comfort. As business owners, we probably sit at a desk or computer
for a good part of the day. At trade shows, you will stand for at least
eight to ten hours a day for several days. It is a big change.

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