Page 39 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 39

8 The Seven Lost Secrets of Success

            The Seven Lost Secrets of Success explains and illustrates
         each of Barton’s secrets. It also includes questions and
         guidelines so you can use the seven strategies to pro-
         mote yourself or your own business and attain lasting
         success and prosperity.

                               LOST FOR 65 YEARS?

         Were Barton’s secrets really lost?
            Today I went to the library to look up three once-

         famous people: Bruce Barton, Helen Woodward, and
         Elmer Wheeler. Barton is the subject of this book;
         Woodward was a pioneer feminist and female copy-
         writer in the 1920s; Wheeler was a nationally known
         sales trainer and speaker.

            Yet I’ll bet you never heard of any of them before
         today. (If it makes you feel better, the library staff hadn’t
         heard of them, either!)

            Why not? What happened to these once-great people?
            Barton was once a household name. Why doesn’t any-
         one remember him?
            Woodward made headlines for her protests and ad
         copy (she was the first to advertise Mathew Brady’s
         famous Civil War photographs). Why don’t we know
         her name today?
            Wheeler wrote best-selling books and created the idea
         of “selling the sizzle, not the steak.” Why is Wheeler for-
         gotten, too?
            What happened?
            I believe we are so caught up with what’s new that
         we forget about what works. History hasn’t forgotten
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