Page 9 - May June 2019 TPA Journal
P. 9

From the Desk of the

                                               Executive Director

                                                            Erwin Ballarta

        Greetings,                                       our profession is inherently dangerous.  We put
        Police Memorial Holiday was created on           ourselves in harms way to safeguard the
        October 1, 1961, when Congress authorized        community we live in. I am honored to be with
        the president to designate May 15 to honor       such men and women that serve our country.
        peace officers. John F. Kennedy signed the
        bill into law on October 1, 1962.                As I write to you, six more officers are killed in
                                                         one day. The rising numbers of police murders is a
        The 87th Congress of the United States of        disappointing news.  The rising assault of police
        America authorized the President to              officers from firearms, officers struck by motor
        proclaim May 15 of each year as Peace            vehicles, edged weapons attacks, punched,
        Officers Memorial Day and the calendar           strangled and struck by other weapons are
        week of each year during which such May 15       felonious actions and disturbing. Public safety is a
        occurs as Police Week.                           dangerous job and comes with a steep price.

        To law enforcement agencies, officers and        We pray and pay tribute to those that have made
        other first responders, this memorial signifies  their ultimate sacrifice to our country.
        sacrifice and loss of life. As officers, we know  We remember those that gave their lives in
        too well the violent and dramatic encounters     protection of their communities.
        each of us and our fellow officers  may
        encounter. We know very well the emotional       Praying for all our officers and their families.
        toll it takes on the family. The very nature of  Blessings,

        May/June 2019   •  866-997-8282                           5
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