Page 28 - TPA Journal January - February 2019
P. 28
Our goal is not to proselytize. While there is a spiritual basis for the events described in spiritual
writings, our interpretation is less ecclesiastical and more historical.
Gideon and Modern Specialized Police
by Dr. Tom Mijares, Texas State University and Dr. Joseph D. Macri,
Oakland University
Historical Background without divine aid. They again fall away
Historical analysis reveals many events where a from the laws of Deuteronomy and the cycle
small, cohesive, coordinated, and disciplined unit is re-started again.
with good leadership can be very effective in The Israelites did evil in the eyes of God after
successfully neutralizing a much larger and the forty years of peace that followed one of the
fortified adversary. One of the first incidents of few female Judges, Deborah. When they were
this nature was recorded in the Book of Judges. invaded by the Midianites and the Amalekites,
This book is found both in the Old Testament of they cried out to God for protection and
the Bible and in Jewish scripture. It describes the deliverance from their invaders.
leaders of the nation of Israel from the death of
Joshua in approximately 1245 BC until the The relevant portions of Gideon’s story are
beginning of the monarchy in 800 BC. chronicled in Chapters Six through Eight. An
angel of God met Gideon with the greeting, “The
The book follows a specific pattern throughout Lord is with you, mighty man of valor” and
the chronology: indicated that he had been selected by God to
serve as “Judge” to lead the Israelites against the
1. By breaking the laws described in the Book invading forces. The term “Judge” in this context
of Deuteronomy, the people of Israel are said meant much more than it implies in the modern
to have “done evil in the eyes of the Lord.” criminal justice system. In addition to serving as
2. The people are given to their enemies and cry an arbiter of criminal charges and civil disputes, a
to God for deliverance. judge was expected to be a military strategist,
3. God provides a leader or “Judge” who acts politician, organizational manager, and economist.
with God’s authority and blessing to defeat Gideon was also given the tasks of serving as a
the enemy. prophet, spiritual leader, and a beacon of morality.
4. Peace is regained and the people receive
God’s blessing. Unlike the prophets Abraham and Moses, he
5. After a period of peace and prosperity, the requested proof in the form of a miracle . The
people begin to believe that they can survive
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