Page 31 - TPA Journal January - February 2019
P. 31
Selection for Assignment applicants who are unfit for employment.
The method of cupping and lapping the water Similarly, it is the duty of the management of law
enabled the Gideon’s soldiers to keep their heads enforcement organizations to use a validated
upright and allowed them to be vigilant and ready selection method to avoid allegations of
to respond immediately to an attack. Thus, the favoritism and preferential treatment in selecting
method of selection specified by God can be personnel for any form of specialized assignment.
construed as the first recorded use of a validated
method of evaluating recruits for assignment to a Tactics
specialized police unit. As described in Judges, The quick and quiet approach employed by the
God also provided the tactics, techniques, Israelites gave them a decided tactical advantage
technology and training to accomplish the despite the Midianite army being much larger. If
mission. the Israelites had fought with the tactics of a large-
scale military operation, the carnage on both sides
The court case of Moon v. Winfield (1973) would have been unacceptable and counter-
provides the modern legal basis for the recruiting productive for the Israelites. Even with a victory,
of applicants as police officers. In this case an it would have limited the Israelites’ ability to
applicant for a major police department was fulfill their long-term goal; i.e. to populate the
identified by the recruiting staff as being promised land and achieve prosperity.
psychologically unfit for further consideration.
After receiving his rejection, the applicant The rapid style of battle used against the
appealed to a member of the city council. The Midianites is a reminder of the mobility and
councilman exerted pressure on the chief of police agility favored by David against Goliath. It was a
who overrode the recommendation of the precursor to the OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide,
recruiting office. Over the objections of the and Act) Loop that was developed and refined by
recruiters, the applicant was hired. fighter pilot John Boyd (Coram, 2002). In each of
the above instances, the action taken was decided
After the applicant was assigned to the training by an orientation of observable data. The
academy, the instructional staff also observed approach has also been used in a variety of non-
behavior that suggested that his temperament was military settings ranging from business to athletics
not suitable for employment as a police officer. to court room litigation at both the individual and
Again, political influence overruled common corporate level. Because an adversary’s reactions
sense and professional judgment. After he had alter the situation’s dynamic and the orientation,
completed his training and was assigned to a the process is continuous until the problem is
position as a police patrol officer, he received resolved. Boyd’s decision-making process, with
several citizen complaints for the excessive use of its references to the interaction of culture and
force. These complaints ultimately led to a civil technology, is simply a modern application of
suit being filed against the police department for Gideon getting into a position to understand his
negligence in recruiting. In the opinion of the enemy and to respond accordingly.
court, it is incumbent upon an employing law
enforcement agency to identify and reject
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