Page 29 - TPA Journal January - February 2019
P. 29

angel demonstrated the divine nature of his          tongues became the chosen 300.
        assignment by causing fire to emanate from a rock
        and then by causing fleece to remain dry in a wet     During the night that followed God told Gideon
        field on one night and then to become wet the next   to conduct a reconnaissance mission of the
        night while the ground remained dry.  However,       Midianite camp.   When he learned that morale
        Gideon was not confidant in his own ability to       among the Midianites was low, he instructed the
        accept such a position of leadership and             soldiers to advance on the Midianite camp with
        responsibility.   After the angel assured him        noise discipline and stealth.  He also instructed the
        through the three miracles that Gideon and Israel    Israelites in a tactic using loud trumpets and
        would always prevail as long as they followed        torches hidden in clay jars to instill fear among the
        divine law and instruction, he fully understood the  Midianites.  The sudden noise and light resulted in
        role for which he had been selected and gained       surprise, confusion and terror among the sleeping
        confidence that God would support the Israelites     Midianites.  Instead of remaining at their posts and
        with him as their leader.                            defending their positions, they scattered and fled.
                                                             Consequently, the Midianites were no longer a
          The first assignment given to Gideon was to        cohesive fighting force.  In an instant, their
        destroy the pagan symbols of Baal and Asherah in     discipline had broken down and they had become
        the town of Ophrah of the Abiezrites.  The purpose   a disorganized and fragmented collection of
        of this task was to establish Gideon’s earthly       individuals whose only thought was self-
        authority and God’s ultimate omniscience,            preservation and survival.
        omnipotence, and benevolence.
                                                              In the early sixteenth century Cesare Borgia’s
          Gideon was then directed to lead an Israelite      limited use of small groups called condottieri
        force against the Midianites and the Amalekites      (mercenaries) during the various battles of the
        who had crossed the Jordan River into the land       Papal States reduced the carnage and destruction
        promised to the Israelites.   After assembling a     of property associated with large-scale military
        force of approximately 32,000, the Lord said that    operations.  By using stealth and surprise on
        friend and foe alike would later attribute the       various occasions, Borgia could deploy small
        Israelite victory solely to their overwhelming       forces to infiltrate and demoralize his adversaries
        numerical superiority instead of through divine      and convince them to withdraw with minimal
        assistance,     guidance,     and     protection.    resistance.   Well trained and highly disciplined
        Consequently, Gideon released 22,000 to return to    mobile, small units have been employed many
        their families, farms, and fields where they could   more times throughout the history of combat for
        fulfill their primary mission and ultimate destiny   mission-specific operations.
        of expanding the twelve tribes of Israel into a
        nation.  Gideon was instructed to take the                  Implications for Police Specialized
        remaining 10,000 to the water to drink.   Those
        who got on their knees and put their faces into the
        water were dismissed while those who cupped the
                                                              Gideon’s use of a smaller but more cohesive,
        water with their hands and then lapped it with their
                                                             coordinated, and disciplined force was similar to

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